Every release of ColdFusion is a ceremony to the CF community. Like the previous release, I started to create this new list for the 2021 release of ColdFusion. The CF 2021 list will get updated as soon as articles are published. I hope it will be handy to see a collection of tutorials on a single page for folks like me.
Like every other ColdFusion release starting from ColdFusion 9 version, I have created this list for easy access to ColdFusion tutorials, guides, and articles. I’ll be adding more articles to this new ColdFusion 2018 Tutorials section in the coming weeks. A big thanks to Charlie Arehart for his detailed list of ColdFusion 2018 collection and inspiring me to do this for every CF release.
Like last year, the team at Agile Arizona has scheduled the event for this year as well. I’m going to attend this year event and looking forward to meeting the like-minded folks at Phoenix Area.
Like every other ColdFusion release starting from ColdFusion 9 version, I have created this list for easy access to ColdFusion tutorials, guides, and articles. I’ll be adding more articles to this new ColdFusion 2018 Tutorials section in the coming weeks. A big thanks to Charlie Arehart for his detailed list of ColdFusion 2018 collection and inspiring me to do this for every CF release.
Happy to announce the 1 year completion of CFMLThisWeek! newsletter. If you are reading this post and not aware about CFML Weekly then I would suggest you to subscribe to it - http://tinyletter.com/CFMLWeekly. It will give a quick snapshot of top CFML news, code releases, tutorials etc. Your Inbox will not be junked with irrelevant information and you can unsubscribe at any time.
As you all know the public beta versions of ColdFusion 11 (Splendor) and ColdFusion Builder Thunder has been released a week before and there are good number of blog posts are already started coming out. I have started collecting all those articles, blog post from Adobe team and from the ColdFusion community at the new ColdFusion 11 tutorials section of my website.
GetCFMLJobs.com aggregates the best CFML jobs on the web for CFML developers. The main intention is to simplify the CFML job search and to bring the best ColdFusion Jobs posted around the web for CFML developers.
Starting this week, I’ll be publishing the new CFML This Week, Weekly Newsletter. It will hit your mail box every week with the news, links and code shared by the amazing CFML community around the globe. Please do subscribe with the Tinyletter link below to get your weekly dose of CFML news every week. The Issues #1 is ready and will be released in next 2 hours :-) https://tinyletter.com/cfmlweekly
I moved my blog from CF 8 and SQL Server to Railo and MySQL as backend three months before. The migration went very smooth and till date I didn’t have any issues. Since I’m using blogCFC for my blog I didn’t do much on the coding front rather the changes happened on the SQL Server to MySQL conversion only. I would like to thank Charlie Arehart for helping and Jordon & Mark from Viviotech for providing the hosting for my site.
In ColdFusion 10 if you forget the ColdFusion Administrator password, open up the Command prompt in windows or Terminal in Linux/Mac and Run the passwordreset.bat (passwordreset.sh for Linux/Mac) file which can be found under the cfusion/bin folder of your ColdFusion installed location.