{ Akbar NoorMohamed }

The Public beta of ColdFusion 10 and ColdFusion Builder 2.0.1 having hit the Adobe labs few days back and there were good number of blog posts published to demonstrate the features of this release. I created a section in my site for listing out these ColdFusion 10 tutorials, articles and resources by the CF Community.

Feb 19, 2012
1 minute

I have been following the Jelastic Cloud for a month and wanted to try their offering. The team behind Jelastic did all the ground works for us to get up and Running with railo in their environment. I configured railo and created a sample job search application railoweb.akbarsait.com and hosted it in their Cloud that required only 10 minutes.

Jan 25, 2012
4 minutes

There are many ways out there to automate the backup process of SQL Databases. I have been using some of them over the time and was found something missing in it on the functionality side. Quite recently I started using the MySQL Backup FTP tool which is really handy and I would say it does the job perfectly on taking the databases backups.

Jan 20, 2012
2 minutes

Railo 3 Beginner’s Guide by the amazing Railo team members Mark Drew, Gert Franz, Jordan Michaels and Paul Klinkenberg. The book is released by Packput on Dec 16, 2011. As title states, the book guides you about each and every steps you need to know on Railo Server and developing application utilizing it.

Dec 26, 2011
1 minute

CFDocs.org is one of the sites I visit often for ColdFusion tags/functions docs. Like my Google chrome extension for CFQuickDocs I thought of creating one for CFDocs as well so I created this little Google Chrome extension for CFDocs.org.

Nov 27, 2011
1 minute

Typically finding the ColdFusion Builder and ColdFusion 9 documentation on adobe site is a bit difficult for me. To make a note for myself and other CF developers, let’s access the Adobe ColdFusion 9 Family page and click Help and support link. In that page you will find both ColdFusion/CF Builder online help links under Getting Started & Help section.

Oct 09, 2011
1 minute

Windows 7 make many things simpler, and one of them is the Task Scheduler feature. Task Scheduler help to perform automation of tasks that can run on regular/schedule intervals.Either on daily or weekly or on a monthly basis. Task Scheduler help to perform automation of tasks that can run on regular/schedule intervals. Either on daily or weekly or on a monthly basis.

Jul 31, 2011
2 minutes

Just a quick note to myself, this issue is happened to me previously and I somehow overlook how I addressed it. Yesterday I accidently enabled the whitespace characters in CF Builder that in turn displays the new line (\n) and carriage return (\r) characters as well in the Editor.

Jun 24, 2011
1 minute

Yesterday Sagar Ganatra delivered a informative presentation about the CF Builder 2.0 and its features to Chennai CFUG. The session last for 1:20 minutes covered the code assist, editor/search enhancements and extensions. The recording of the presentation is available here and also at the Charlie’s UGTV site.

Mar 24, 2011
1 minute

Currently, I am using shared ColdFusion hosting for mine and friends sites. These are running ok but I’m looking for more reliable one that helps to host as many websites as I want with an affordable price. Also, I’m in a plan of transferring some of these sites to Railo.

Jan 02, 2011
1 minute