{ Akbarsait NoorMohamed }

ColdFusion Positions In Chennai and Hyderabad(India)

Jul 18, 2008
1 minute

The ColdFusion 8 AttributeCollection is one of the coolest features with ColdFusion 8 Release. The ColdFusion 8.0.1 release gave some enhancements to AttributeCollection which is nothing but combining both attributes and attributecollection with a ColdFusion tag. We can use attributecollection like this

Jul 17, 2008
2 minutes

Setting up the Google Custom Search Engine (GCSE) for our websites and blogs is extremely simple and straight forward. We can host the Google search results on our websites or blogs in two ways as:

Jul 15, 2008
1 minute

Earlier morning, I was working on creating a cached query for to display Next N record-navigation interface. I’m having the ColdFusion 8 installed in my system. The below query with CFQUERYPARAM executes well and my aim of displaying Next N record-navigation is achieved.

Jun 30, 2008
1 minute

AIR 1.1 has been released! And available at: http://get.adobe.com/air/

Jun 17, 2008
1 minute

Rich Internet Application Teaching Resources on Adobe.com

Jun 12, 2008
1 minute

This summer, O’Reilly Media announces the Flex Cookbook Cook-Off contest to celebrate the recent publication of Flex 3 Cookbook: Code-Recipes, Tips, and Tricks for RIA Developers written by Josh Noble, Todd Anderson, and a selection of authors whose recipes were plucked from the Adobe Flex Cookbook web site.

Jun 03, 2008
1 minute

Last week I installed Subversion in my systems and found “Mere-Moments Guide to installing a Subversion server on Windows” very helpful indeed and which minimize my time from googling on for more information’s about installation. I found another blog entry for subversion installation with screen-shots about each step during installation. I am sharing both the links here for your reference on installing Subversion and I’m sure it will save your time.

Jun 02, 2008
2 minutes

India ColdFusion User Group is giving Free ColdFusion training in Hyderabad for Developers and IT Professionals to give further insight into the ColdFusion Technology. This Training is intended to encourage the People to learn ColdFusion to build compelling Rich Internet Applications (RIA) and components based on ColdFusion technologies.

May 14, 2008
1 minute